Gynaecology scans

Women's wellbeing ultrasound scans
We are only able to provide scans to persons over the age of 18

Women's Wellbeing Scan


Women's Wellbeing Scan


Women's Wellbeing Scan

Information about the transvaginal ultrasound scan

Your doctor has referred you for a transvaginal ultrasound scan. This internal examination typically causes little to no discomfort and is generally easier to tolerate than a smear test.

Transvaginal scans provide very clear images of pelvic organs, allowing for accurate diagnosis of many gynaecological abnormalities.

Vaginal bleeding does not affect the quality of the scan. Transvaginal scans are also safe to perform in early pregnancy. However, these scans are not performed on young children or women who have not had sexual intercourse. In such cases, a transabdominal scan is more appropriate. For transabdominal scans, a full bladder is required, so patients need to drink approximately two pints of water an hour before their appointment time.

You will be attended by our sonographers at UltraCare Plus, who will briefly discuss the reasons for your scan with you. The sonographer will also review your past gynaecological and medical history to better plan the examination and enhance the quality of the diagnosis.

You will be asked to empty your bladder prior to the scan.

When you are settled on the examination bed, the examiner will insert the tip of the ultrasound probe into your vagina. This probe is thoroughly cleaned with disinfectants that remove even the most resistant bacteria and viruses, such as MRSA and HIV. The probe is then covered with a fresh latex probe cover and sterile K-Y jelly. If you are allergic to latex, please let us know so that we can use non-latex gloves and probe covers.

During the scan, we will explain the findings to you and include them in the report, which you can take back to your doctor. If you wish, you may follow the examination on the ultrasound machine screen and ask any questions you may have. If you find the examination uncomfortable at any point, please inform the examiner, and the scan will be stopped.

Once the scan is completed you will have a chance to ask more questions about the diagnosis and what may happen next.

The report also can be sent to your email on the same day. Should you wish, you can be given a copy of your report and images.