Pregnancy scans

Ultrasound scans during your pregnancy
Pregnancy scans
We are only able to provide scans to persons over the age of 18

Early Pregnancy Scan

6 - 11 weeks

Dating Scan

11 - 20 weeks

Gender Scan

16+ weeks

Wellbeing Scan

16 - 23 weeks

Cervical Length Scan

16 - 24 weeks

Growth and Presentation Scan

24 - 40 weeks

Standard 3D/4D* Scan

24 - 32 weeks

Premium 3D/4D* Scan

24 - 32 weeks
We are only able to provide scans to persons over the age of 18

Early Pregnancy Scan

6 - 11 weeks

Dating Scan

11 - 20 weeks

Gender Scan

16+ weeks

Wellbeing Scan

16 - 23 weeks

Cervical Length Scan

16 - 24 weeks

Growth and Presentation Scan

24 - 40 weeks

Standard 3D/4D* Scan

24 - 32 weeks

Premium 3D/4D* Scan

24 - 32 weeks
*4D preview

This scan includes viewing of your baby in live 4D from available views and thermal B&W 3D scan prints at no extra charge. Please note that 4D preview is a free option and if your baby’s position is not favorable for a picture on the day, we cannot offer a free rescan for this reason

What are 3D/4D scans

  • 3D scans provide still images of your baby in three dimensions, while 4D scans offer moving 3D images with time as the fourth dimension.

  • It’s natural to feel excited about your first scan, but some parents find standard 2D scans disappointing because they only show a grey, blurry outline. This occurs because 2D scans capture internal structures, revealing the baby’s internal organs.

  • With 3D and 4D scans, you get a clearer and more detailed view of your baby. You may see the shape of your baby’s mouth and nose, or even catch a glimpse of your baby yawning or sticking out its tongue.

  • 3D and 4D scans are considered as safe as 2D scans. These images are created from sections of two-dimensional images compiled into a detailed picture. Our private ultrasound scans adhere to the recommended ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) safety limits, ensuring they do not exceed these guidelines.